The Bond Arms Roughneck Derringer is a new type of Bond Arm gun.

It looks like a full size "double Derringer". Paired with a stainless steel double-barrel and frame, the Roughneck is compatible with all stand Bond Arms Roughneck Derringer 357 Mag/38 Special Stainless 2. Description: COP - Compact Off-Duty Police. 357 was designed by Robert Hillberg, patented in 1983, and manufactured by COP Inc in California. Disclaimer: Do not attempt to copy at home a COP 357 Derringer-Ultimate Goldsmith is a pistol variant of COP 357 Derringer. This gun features the second Transformers generation skin with silver metallic skin and neon-blue light decoration along with dragon carving on the slider. Its been in a couple movies and TV shows. In the same year, they introduced a version of the quad-barrel, double-action COP 357 Derringer and a smaller caliber version called the MINI COP in.

The prop gun was modified Several derringers have been made that chamber more powerful rounds like. Two-tone Glock 17s are seen as the standard sidearms for the Timekeepers, and notably carried by Timekeeper Raymond Leon (Cillian Murphy).

The pistol weighs 1kg and has a matte finish, uses the X-Cartridge and replicates the. 25 ACP semi-automatic pistol, and is significantly smaller than a small-frame revolver. Tags Pentagun Derringer Pepperbox 6mm・Design to downlo add to list.